I moan a lot. Its fact. But tonight, I’m breaking from tradition…
I’m celebrating:
1. the fact that I’ve written five thousand words of my novel in three nights. I’m not going to divulge how many thousand remain un-written because tonight is about celebration. And counting the unwritten-words left only leads to moments of intense self-doubt and despair and I can go back to that tomorrow night…

2. That thanks to PtW, I’ve discovered Drop Box. No more data sticks and multi-versions of the first draft.

3. that its Wednesday evening, and the great work that the cleaning fairy did this morning, remains relatively un-destroyed. That means that the new pin look could last as long as twenty four hours, providing there is no one in the house for the next nineteen…

4. That my eldest daughter (aged three) just got up to go to the loo on her own. And returned to her bed. And went back to sleep. Could this be the beginning of the end of the ‘lifting’ phase?

5. That the white blob on my youngest daughers lip after she fell backwards off the couch at 7.30 this morning was not a tooth but a crumb of toast. We went through too much in the growing of those teeth to lose one now…

6. That someone drove a cement truck into the Dail this morning. I’m not particularly anti-government but come on, somebody actually DID something. I did however laugh when some friend of the drivers defended him by saying ‘We’ve all done things on the spur of the moment that we regret’ Spur of the moment? The bloody truck was professionally painted with the words Toxic Bank! He hardly woke up this morning with the idea. Whatever his motivation, lets face it, the jokes on Twitter are fantastic…

7. That Masterchef; The Professionals is back on tv. My all time favourite programme, (and there are many…)

And last but not least…

8. that my darling hubby cooked tea tonight, and whether by accident or design (we’ll not ask) he managed to cook enough for tomorrow night too. Woohoo!!!